
About me

This blog was started by myself in order to release and share information concerning gardening. Not only organic gardening, it's principles, benefits, techniques, methods so fourth. But also the conventional ways of gardening and their potential irrelevancies.

My intent is to create a beginner friendly, information rich, completely free to browse and use website for anybody with a keen interest in starting gardening or even those who are already familiar with it.

I, the sole contributor, the extreme gardening enthusiast, be situated in the geographical region known as South Wales in the UK. I have, manage, use and care for various small plots and gardens. My knowledge comes from others who are proficient in the subject, books, research, online documentation and of course my own personal, empirical observation.

I'm always attempting to encourage others to get involved in gardening. Especially organic gardening. I try to educate people about how easily they can grow there own food and quite easily feed there families for little or no cost whatsoever. This blog is just another, greater attempt at this.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog posts. Not only learning, possibly finding a new interest, eating lots of tasty, nutritious, healthy vegetables and fruits but perhaps also a recommendable way of living.